Wait, what even is Noobscape.net?

This site is proudly

Noobscape.net is my personal site for whatever I feel like doing. You'll have to take my word for it, but nothing here is AI generated unless I say it is. A real human being used his fingers on a keyboard to type words into notepad++. In the site's current state, I talk about my interests on my blog, I have a public video game database consisting of my personal collection, and I provide links to resources and cool sites on the featured page.

I intend to use the collection pages to share my experiences with collecting and to document the items in my collection. The organized list has been completed and continues to be updated, but I'm still a great distance away from making pages for everything in my collection.

My blog is kinda just whatever I personally feel like writing about, if you're interested in that sort of thing. Usually I'm talking about my hobbies or esoteric information like extra files on Sega Dreamcast discs.

My overall site layout has been somewhat inspired by kirbysrainbowresort.net, which is an awesome Kirby fansite that's been around for ages. The overall site aesthetic has been inspired by old geocities sites, current neocities sites, and probably some subconscious, primordial memories of reading magazines and exploring the internet as a kid that I can't quite pinpoint exactly.

Why NOOBscape.net? I dunno. It kinda sounded cool. Rolls off the tongue, you know? Clearly, I'm not by any means a master web designer. A noob, even. I mean, I would consider a webspace occupied by a noob to be something of a noobscape, right? Don't look too deep into it. Sorry if you were expecting a Runescape site lol, I didn't even consider the connection to Runescape when I decided on the name.

I hope that this site can be a place where other current or to-be site-building noobs can be inspired to build a cool personal site, so that I can have more free web content to enjoy or learn from lol.

Build your own dope as hell website where you can like, talk about your collection of amiibo tribute jars or some shit, you rancid fucker. Make something for you! Who cares what other people think!

Who the hell is the webmaster?

Backyard Smokin' in a Snuggie

I go by the alias Noobsupreme, and I am the webmaster of this here website. If you want to tell me something, consult my contact page on where to find me. You can find the information that you seek there.

I'm a 24 year old dude from Oregon. My most prominent hobby is definitely playing & collecting video games, but some close contenders include messing with electronics, this site, and some programming here and there. Besides that nerdy shit, I also enjoy exploring new places, thrifting, taking pictures, and doodling dumb shit

I mainly game on PC these days when it comes to new games. With older stuff I prefer to play it on original hardware wherever possible, but sometimes I don't want to spend $300+ for an original copy of Earthbound.

I have my retro systems hooked up to an A/V switcher box, which connects to a Panasonic CRT television from 1997. I usually only have 4-5 consoles hooked up at once, as I don't like the crowded look of having 20 game systems hooked up all time.

I used to mainly use an old RCA TV from 1990 that I found on the side of the road. It's RF only, and it's got some SICK AS FUCK wood grain panels on the sides. The image quality is slightly off-color and gritty. I'm not complaining though; I enjoy it. In fact, I kinda prefer how some games (like Castlevania Bloodlines) look on it. The noise and darker color tones really adds to the horror aesthetic of that game. Nowadays I use this TV for watching VHS tapes in my bedroom.