Six Button Arcade Stick (MK-1627)

Page contents last updated on October 30, 2024

Platform: Sega Genesis
Accessory Type: Arcade stick
Model #: MK-1627
Release Year(s): 1993

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The six button arcade stick for the Sega Genesis is a must-have hunk of hardware for arcade game lovers. It has the same features of Sega's previous 3-button stick, albeit without the awesome red LEDs (for shame, Sega). Put simply, it's the same hardware but with more buttons and a slightly updated design. The additional X, Y, and Z buttons provide improved arcade-accurate controls for fighting games which utilize the extra three buttons.

The 6-button stick has a toggleable turbo function (megafire) for all buttons. It's a shame that Sega didn't update the hardware to have individual speed controls for each button (like the snes asciiware sticks). Although I've never had a need for individual speed control, so I guess it's not that important. Much like the 3-button stick, there is a single speed-adjustment slider which determines the speed for all buttons which have megafire enabled. The "mode" button has the same functionality as the mode button on a standard 6-button genesis controller.

This arcade stick uses rubber-dome membranes for button presses and stick inputs, which was also the case with the 3-button stick.

My stick in particular also includes the packaging, which is pretty neat. I don't know if it has everything that it originally came with. It seems to have an extra poster in it, and it also had a genesis model-2 console manual in there as well (which I'm positive was not included when it was new). What I am 99% sure of is that the stick's manual, one of the two posters, and the registration card were originally included.

Now that I have two arcade sticks for the genesis (not including my still-unfinished DIY controller) my roommate and I can finally kick equal amounts of ass in Streets of Rage!


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See Also: Arcade Power Stick