[October 1, 2024]

At last we have made it to the spookiest time of year. I may have to start putting up decorations...

I'm testing site audio on the homepage. I don't have any good music to play yet but I've thrown on some old wav file of me discovering the Star light zone soundfont on one of my keyboards. It feels more likely that it was on my old Casio, but it might have also been on my Korg synth. It's not very good, but it's a test. Feedback on the audio playback would be appreciated!

[September 3, 2024]

Nothing major today. I've made some revisions to my post about the Better than Adventure mod for Minecraft beta 1.7.3. I found some pretty bad spelling and flow errors that I somehow missed which have now been corrected. The screenshots were also kinda small for some reason, so I've made them larger.

[August 17, 2024]

I've completed the one-year reflection post, you can read it here!

It's pretty personal, but I wanted to get it out there. I hope you take something away from it.

[August 16, 2024]

Wow, it's been a whole year since I created noobscape.net. It's been a fun ride putting this thing together. My neocities account page says that my site was created on August 16, 2023; but in my footer I have August 15 so really I think yesterday was the real anniversary of when I at least began work on the site. My first news post was on the 20th of that month, which I also think was when I updated the home page.

There aren't as many game pages or blog posts as I thought there would be after a year, but that's fine. I started off swinging when it came to laying the site foundations from scratch. I'm pretty much at the point now where I'm just writing stuff to put on here, as infrequent as I've been. Noobscape.net has been taking a backseat in my life as I spend more time doing things in the real world, but I haven't lost my love or passion for it or anything. I still come back to post stuff here and there. As long as you ignore the missing shrines page, I'd say that the site's structure is pretty well established.

I started writing a very personal blog post yesterday evening regarding why I created this site and where I was at in my life one year ago that pushed me to make it. It's become longer than expected, and I'll need to spend more time writing it and cleaning it up before it's worth posting here. Most of it is just me spilling my thoughts into a document as they came to me, so it's in a rough state. I'm hoping to have that done this evening after work or possibly tomorrow. Yesterday I had the opportunity to jump into a new job with better pay so that's what I've been focussing my efforts on.

I guess that's it for now. I'll see you again either later today or sometime tomorrow with a proper anniversary blogpost. Here's to another year of noobscape.net!

[August 9, 2024]

Made small updates to the dreamcast mouse and keyboard pages from yesterday. I added a row in their info tables for their model numbers and I added "see also" links to the bottom of their pages which link to eachother.

I've also gone ahead and updated all other collection pages so that they also include info tables that are of a similar style.

[August 8, 2024]

I've written up a few game-collection pages today; going with a bit of a Dreamcast theme this time around.

There is now a page for Typing of the Dead, as well as the Dreamcast's keyboard and mouse peripherals.

That's all I've got for today. Cya!

[August 1, 2024]

Cleaned up the homepage again. I got rid of the featured box and moved the "latest blogpost" box underneath this news feed.

It's been almost half a year since I put the weekly features into hibernation. I haven't had the time or energy these days to make frequent scheduled posts about YouTube videos, and my passion just isn't there for it. As I've mentioned before, I'd rather spend the time that I use for this site on blogposts and collection pages. I think that it would actually be better if I just make dedicated blog posts for videos that really tickle my fancy, which is probably what I should have been doing to begin with.

Since the featured page as it once was is now effectively dead, I've decided to turn it into something more useful. It now focuses entirely on links to other useful and cool sites, and I've organized the links by category. I hope that it serves as a jumping off point for finding information, fansites, blogs, and whatever else I want to put there.

Don't even get me started on the extremely neglected shrines button.

Oh yeah, I finally put some time aside the other day to edit that concert footage, but as it turns out Lightworks doesn't like the videos for some reason. The file format is fine, the files were imported, but I think the videos are too high-res and high-framerate for the neutered free version of Lightworks or something. The performance is awful. Video playback stutters horribly and crashes everytime I stop playback. Lightworks has done a good enough job for my stupid video edits since high school, but maybe it's time I move on to something actually good.

That's all I've got for today. See you in another month lol (hopefully not I have some ideas for stuff I want to post)

[July 7, 2024]

So much for making up my lack of blogposts in May lol. I've finally uploaded my post on the Sony Mavica around the ass crack of dawn today, here's a link. Up next I intend to edit or compile my terrible vertical phone footage of Flamingosis and Diastrata concert in Bend over Memorial Day weekend. I'll get to that when I get to it, which is hopefully soon™.

[June 3, 2024]

I built a home-made Sega Genesis controller from scratch. No OEM controllers or components were harvested in the process! It's a rough prototype, but it works. I intend to repurpose it for an arcade stick at some point in the future. You can read about my construction process and more in my blogpost.

To make up for my lack of blogposts in May, I have more posts that I intend to write and release sometime soon.

I went to the Flamingosis concert in Bend (OR) a couple of weeks ago, so I will be probably writing about that trip and I will put together a highlights video of the concert on Bitview for your listening and viewing pleasure.

My next post will most likely be about my floppy disk camera from 1999, the Sony Mavica. I finally feel like I've taken enough pictures with it to share and talk about.

[May 19, 2024]

I acquired a Sega Pico a couple of days ago, so I documented it in the collection page and gave it it's own platform page. The Sega Pico is a very odd piece of Sega history that I'm very happy to have in the collection.

[May 14, 2024]

I made a small update to the blog page. The only thing that you'll notice is that I colored in some table cells to make the tables appear more pleasing to the eye.

I wrote some javascript that counts the number of blog posts within specific topics, as well as providing the total amount of blog posts. The sums provided by this script now populate the cells in the "posts" column within the "Browse by topic" table. Before this, I was updating the table by hand every time I posted something to the blog.

While this isn't a notable change to anyone viewing the blog page, posting to the blog will be slightly simpler and more efficient with this addition.

[April 23, 2024]

I recently purchased an intriguing piece of Xbox memorabilia from a collector in my area. It's a promotional pendant from the console's 2001 launch. It even lights up! It's pretty nifty and I've hardly found anything about it online. I wrote a collection-page diving into its details, which you can check out by clicking here.

[April 8, 2024]

New blogpost! I replaced the battery in my copy of Pokemon Crystal, the details of how I did is in the post!

[April 5, 2024]

I'm up late midnight-posting to say that I've written another game collection page for an odd Gameboy Advance accessory I have. It's called the "Game FM Radio", by Intec. Yup, a radio for the GBA SP. Technology has gone too far.

Goodnight! Er, good morning? I'm going to bed.

[March 29, 2024]

Today I've written up a page on Metroid Fusion, a badass Metroid entry on the Gameboy advance. I've also written a page on the Sega Genesis "Arcade Power Stick" accessory. Check em' out!

I've also updated the game and accessory pages to include a "last updated" date. Not sure why I didn't have that before, but it felt necessary to implement. I'm not 100% when I wrote my previous collection entries, so I've based the date on when the html file was created (which is probably close enough).

[March 21, 2024]

I'm sick with a cold at home this morning, and I want to give a bit of a site update.

I've been AWOL for the last couple of weeks, my most recent update to the featured page was on March 3. I've been busier in real life these days. I've been spending more time at work and as a result I've had less free time. I've decided to spend most of my free time prioritizing activities with my friends and doing other hobbies. I don't want to crank out half-assed weekly features in the lesser amount of time I've set aside for site stuff.

What I'm trying to get at is that I'm going to place the featured page in cryo-stasis for the time being, to be thawed out someday in the future. I'd rather spend the time that I've set aside for noobscape to be towards blogposts that come out here and there as opposed to talking about a video and an image every week. I do enjoy doing that, so it will make a return someday. I enjoy talking about stuff that I find to be cool and interesting in some way. Although, I don't know if I'll continue to update the features on a weekly basis when the featured page does return. I might even just do a feature whenever I feel the need to, which might feel more natural than having a scheduled deadline for a forced feature. Point is, when the features do return, it likely won't be the same as it was.

I hope that you all have a wonderful day, peace be with ye!

[March 4, 2024] (2)

Site fix: the "feeling lucky" button on the blog page would sometimes direct to an undefined page, which should be corrected now. I don't know how long this has been an issue, but it's probably been an issue for a while.

[March 4, 2024] (1)

Made it home yesterday on the 3rd, despite the weather. I had a great time, but it's nice to be back home. I updated the weekly features and I've put together a blog post containing some sweet pics that I've taken over the last month with an old Sony Cybershot digital camera.

[March 1, 2024]

Hello again!

I'm heading off on a trip today, and I won't be back until sometime later on Sunday. I should still be able to post the weekly features later on Sunday, but it might end up on Monday depending on when I return.

I'm taking my Sony Cybershot with me so I can take some dope ass pictures while I'm out, so I should have some awesome pics to share sometime next week. Peace!

[February 18, 2024]


Briefly logging on to say that I want to focus on the real world for minute, so there won't be weekly features or any site changes this week. I should be back by next week, so I'll see you then!

[January 19, 2024]

Some changes have been made to the homepage!

I've revised the text a bit, adding new things while also attempting to sort of condense it.

I'm also trying out a couple of new boxes at the bottom of the page. One box shows the current features of the week. The other box shows the latest blog post. I think that these will be nice additions. You'll still have to visit their respective pages for more details, though.

[January 3, 2024]

Wow, 3 days in a row?

I felt like updating the site banner again, which is now 100 pixels less tall. I felt that the old height of 250 pixels took up too much space. Making the banner shorter allows for more of a page's contents to be visible without having to scroll. It's a minor change, and I prefer it.

The artwork is also new. I don't really have much to say about it, so I don't want to make a blog post on it like I did the previous time I changed it.

In short, I travelled to random places in Hokkaido on google maps, and sampled the screenshots below to piece together the new art. I played around with some effects and colors in paint.net, which resulted in something that I think is cool looking. I also threw in a palm tree from Sonic 1 with inverted colors for good measure.

My favorite change is the little box around the date and time, which I think makes it much easier to read.

If nothing looks different to you, try refreshing the page!

[January 2, 2024]

The gallery is now live! It's in a functional state, but I feel that it can be better. I'll definitely be playing with it more in the future, but as of now I'm happy enough with it. It's better than that navigation button leading nowhere. The images are all organized in a list alphabetically. This list can be navigated via the "next" and "previous" buttons.

Eventually I want the images to also have corresponding text with links to where they are used on the site.

Maybe I should look into doing some kind of search feature?

Just like the blog, a "Feeling Lucky?" button is present on the gallery page so that you can view a random image.

That's all I have to say for now. Until we meet again!

[January 1, 2024]

Welcome to the year 2024!

Man, that number's going to be weird to look at for the next week or so. I absolutely cannot wait to accidently write 2023 dates for the next month.

I had a good time last night. De-sobered myself and shot fireworks, as is tradition.

Oh yeah, I've archived last year's news feed. The archive can be accessed by clicking the "2023" button beneath the news feed window. The "reset" button will refresh the window with the newest news.

I hope that your first day in 2024 is a good one :)